Saturday, September 13, 2008


Hi all, I went for my teaching interview on Wednesday September 3, 2008! I went in to interview for a teacher(s) position at Saratoga Elementary School in Saratoga! I would be a "Centers" (meaning, a teacher teaching different subjects at the elementary school level).

Please pray that I get this job! I will be notified this week if I get the job!
I would be teaching, PE, Reading, Class Enrichment, and MUSIC!!!!

Please pass by any tips suggestions, advice in teaching! I currently have 18 units of Early Childhood and (teachable teaching units) under my belt!

Call me or email...or post back!!!

Love to all!
Maria Rhodes


Masha said...

Good luck, Maria!

Albany Options Community Class said...

good luck!

Macrina Lewis said...

Hey Maria! Waving at you from Port Townsend. When are you coming to visit again? Good luck on your prospective job. I'll say a prayer for you. It's tough waiting, but remember, if you don't get this one it's because God has something better for you.

In Christ,